Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Invitation to a talk on "Surrender to the Unknown!.. A Journey Within" on 15th May (Monday) 2017, Multipurpose Hall, IIC, New Delhi

Dear Sir/Madam,

Foundation for Peace, Harmony and

Good Governance (FGG)

cordially invites you to a talk


Surrender to the Unknown!

..a journey within..


Ms. Mahiema Anand

-     A Noted Filmmaker  

 Chair: D.R. Kaarthikeyan

President – FGG & Former Director CBI

Date:   Monday, 15th May 2017

Time:   6 PM Tea | 6.30 PM: Talk  

Venue: Multipurpose Hall,

   India International Centre,

   40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi

All Are Welcome!!

 Surrender to the Unknown: A Journey Within

Theme of the talk

As we encounter situations in our life, rarely do we stop to consider the forces that guide us. Unknown, unseen, and unfelt! Imagine if we simply gave in. Not to the situation itself, but the wind. Just like feeling weightless in the face of gusts of wind! Have you ever felt like you're being pushed away or being guided in another direction? Now imagine if this were life itself.  And how different would our lives be if we believed in the power of the unknown? It's a matter of imagination, of course, but a strong belief and willingness to relinquish control could turn the tide of fear, uncertainty, and anxiety not against us, but with us. 'Surrendering', therefore, is not simply an imagination, but a belief waiting to turn into reality… if only you let it.

Our moment of truth arises when we leave our lives at the altar of possibilities, and allow for miracles to take place. Leaving the outcome to destiny, or whatever else one might like to call it, can leave us, as it left me, stronger and unlimited in thought, mind, and action. That is when miracles start to happen.

When something in our lives goes awry, we are quick to blame and curse God for its wrongdoing and refuse to take responsibility. But when something goes right, we credit our own abilities in making that happen. Point is, the force creating those miracles is the same that causes us distress. What we must understand, therefore, is, even the calamities that occur in our lives are miracles, of sorts. Every miracle or calamity takes us towards a higher expansion of ourselves and spiritual growth.  

About Ms. Mahiema Anand

Mahiema is a filmmaker, who prefers to call herself a seeker. Her quest to find the truth, led her to varied experiences and journeys, which she translated into her films.  After spending a few years doing fiction for television, she moved to making films related to spirit and human evolution - understanding and exploring the unseen, unheard and mysterious. This led her on the path of many learnings and unlearnings and a journey into self-exploration! Today, she represents the Five Cosmic elements, the combination of which she uses as an Experiential Healer! Dance, films, storytelling, signs & symbols and travel, form her core! Moving from one form to another, Mahiema integrates the forces of nature and attempts to create journeys of transformation and fulfilment. Her journey continues and with each step she takes, it elevates her further into self-discovery. To know more about Mahiema's work log onto www.zonstacreation.com and some of her films can be watched on youtube channel Zonstacreation.

D. R. Kaarthikeyan
Advisor: Law-Human Rights-Corporate Affairs
Former :
             Director, Central Bureau of Investigation
             Director General, National Human Rights Commission
             Special Director General, Central Reserve Police Force
102, Ground Floor
Anand Lok
New Delhi - 110 049
Phone : 91- 11- 4601 3255
            : 91- 11- 4601 3266
Fax       : 91- 11- 46013277
E-mail : drkaarthikeyan@gmail.com

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