Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. - Vernon Howard - Every day walk can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.
- There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. -Bruce Lee
- The secret of getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain
- It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates
- All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. – Friedrich Nietzsche
- Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. – Thomas Jefferson
Did you know?
Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood is flowing through them. Walk It is the largest circulatory network that connects the body. So Walk daily
Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows , smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. Walk
Aging starts from the feet upwards. Walk
As a person gets older, the accuracy & speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young. Please Walk
In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures. WALK
Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis. Walk
Do you know that 15% of elderly patients generally, will die max. within a year of a thigh-bone fracture !! Walk daily without fail
Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years. WALK
Although our feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/ legs is a life-long task. Walk 10,000 steps
Only by regular strengthening the legs, one can prevent or reduce further aging. Walk 365 days
Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy. KEEP WALKING
You should share this important information with all your 40+years" friends & family members, as everyone is aging on a daily basis. |
WIth Regards and Best Wishes, -- D.R.Kaarthikeyan, IPS (R) President: Foundation for Peace, Harmony and Good Governance Former : Director, Central Bureau of Investigation Director General, National Human Rights Commission Special Director General, Central Reserve Police Force 102, Ground Floor Anand Lok New Delhi - 110 049 India
Phone : 91- 11- 4601 3255 : 91- 11- 4601 3266 Fax : 91- 11- 46013277 E-mail : |
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